Home | Games of Interest

Games of Interest

Just some random games I want to comment on.

#1. Minecraft

Awesome game. My friends may say otherwise and my opinion is also somewhat biased since I've played it for more than half my life at this point but this is probably my favorite video game ever made.


Play Wet Hands by C418 (Minecraft OST)

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#2. Roblox

Less of a game and more of a platform but whatever. It's still fun and a lot of elements carry over from game to game experience to experience.


Play The Great Strategy by badliz (Roblox Theme)

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#3 Bopimo!

It hasn't even released yet but I'm still excited. Epic 3D Platformer Sandbox game but I hope it doesn't get hate from the toxic side of the Roblox community. I don't want it to be another Blockland situation


Play Unnamed Bopimo Song

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#4 Super Mario World

The best 2D Mario game. It has so many original concepts, a ton of levels, secondary exits and so much more.


Play Athletic Theme (Super Mario World OST)

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#5 Super Mario 64

Pretty fun game but also kind of unsettling in some places. A lot of levels are just empty.


Play Bob Omb Battlefield Theme (Super Mario 64 OST)

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